Treatment options

Treatment options

Once the disease is confirmed by transvaginal duplex ultrasound, radiographically guided venography is performed and very fine catheters are placed in the veins requiring treatment. Once the catheter is in place, a combination of foam sclerotherapy and insertion of a specialized inert platinum coil is placed in the vein, which closes the vein and stops reflux through the pelvic veins. Although some patients are concerned about the placement of coils in the pelvic veins, the actual amount of metal in these coils is less than in the clips used in many surgical procedures, such as laparoscopic hernia removal or laparoscopic gallbladder removal, and much less than the metal used in hip replacements or other joint replacement surgeries.

Numerous published studies have shown it to be a highly effective technique with an exceptionally low risk of complications, even in the long term.